
I am a born again Christian, an ordained servant of God. I am called and chosen to preach God’s matchless, flawless, unchanged and living Gospel among his people. I believe that “Every soul on the planet is precious and unique” because the Bible tells us “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”(John 3:16). Furthermore Jesus Christ said “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen. (Matthew 28:19-20).
I am as the founder and the lead Evangelist of The Gospel Followers Ministries reaching to the most ignored and overlooked souls in the remote areas of Pakistan. We preach the Gospel of Christ among our brothers and sisters who desperately need to be preached the Word of God. While we preach in small and larger Revival Crusades hundreds of lost souls repent and turn to the Lord, hundreds get their healing and miracles by the power of Holy Spirit. We connect new believers to the nearest Churches and with our outreach Ministry Pastors for the Discipleship so harvest shouldn’t get wasted and the labor shouldn’t get in vain. I believe that through Evangelism and Discipleship we could save every soul.



About Our Ministry

We obey the great commission because Jesus Christ has commanded in Matthew 28:19-20 “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen.
Our ministry is fully focused on Evangelism and Discipleship. We travel every city and village to reach to unreached, unsaved souls, we preach them the Gospel of Christ and encourage them to repent fro their sins and submit their lives to the God. During our small and larger Revival Crusades thousands of lost souls experience the salvation of Jesus Christ. Many get their miracles of healing by the power of Holy Spirit. We organize Water Baptism Services for those who repent from their sins and turn to Jesus. For the Discipleship and the spiritual growth of new believers we connect them with the local Churches and to our outreach Pastors Teams. We believe that every souls is precious for the Lord, it is why He has sent his only begotten son to the world to pay the full price on the cross.

Our Gospel Revival Prayer Meetings

Our Team

Dr. Wayne Miller

Dr. Wayne Miller

International Minister

Our teacher and spiritual father. A seventy-five years old missionary to nations, a soul winning Evangelist and wonderful Bible Teacher. He is serving the Lord more than fifty years, he has trained more than five thousand Bible Graduates around the world. Five years ago he dedicated rest of his life for Pakistan to establish Christian Churches, Bible Colleges, Free Christian Schools and Free Sacred Music Schools. These all Christian Institutions are equipping and educating Evangelists, Pastors and the Church Leaders with the sound Doctrine of Bible in the country. He is serving the Lord with every thing he has.

Evangelist Dan Steepe

Evangelist Dan Steepe

International Minister

He is our prime partner for the Evangelism in Pakistan and reaching and winning thousands of souls for the kingdom of God. He is a wonderful International Evangelist and a great Bible Teacher. He is the founder and the head of Revival Now USA with a vision to witness nations radically transformed by the truth of the Gospel. He has a wonderful passion for reaching the lost, preach the Gospel and see power of God. He travels with Revival Now Team to East/Central Africa for the mega Revival Crusades. Also working on mass level Evangelism in Junior and High School age Students in East/Central Africa. Through his soul winning Evangelism already thousands of souls have given their lives to Jesus.

Pastor Yousaf Javed

Pastor Yousaf Javed

Lead Worshiper

A Spirit filled Worshiper of God, with a strong and melodious male voice. In his teenage gave his life to the Lord. His heart is filled with the passion to serve the Lord through his worship. He is serving the Lord in Churches and in Evangelistic/Revival Meetings since 2 decades. He is a Blessing to The Gospel Followers Ministries of Pakistan.

Oscar Nadeem

Oscar Nadeem

IT & Media In-Charge

A 22 years old young man who gave his life to Jesus at the age of 14. He is an IT & Digital Marketing Service Provider by profession. To know the Word of God deeply he has completed his Master Degree in Theology and Ministry. He is a trained sound and audio technician and works for the Church. He is working with Local and International Ministries to provide them Digital and IT solution services.

Yashua Nadeem

Yashua Nadeem

Audio Technician and a Photographer

He is studying Computer Science from a famous Charted University of Pakistan. He is serving the Churches as a sound and audio technician and a photographer. He is serving the Lord since his teenage.

Nixon Nadeem

Nixon Nadeem

Youth Motivator

He is a strong spiritual young man with a wonderful professional character. He is always very active in encouraging the depressed and disappointed young people to surrender their lives to the Lord and accept Him their King. He helps and motivates youth through his prayers and encouragement during our Evangelistic/Revival Meetings.





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